
2018: Annual Review

Back in 2017 we uploaded 28 Viewpoints and received almost 1,800 subscribers. The total number of views that year came to 290,000. Since then, however, we have seen our channel grow exponentially by comparison.

Is France Under Attack?

Just before lunch time on January 7, 2015, two brothers forcibly entered the offices of a weekly newspaper. Brandishing rifles, the men sprayed bullets throughout the lobby killing a maintenance worker.

Are You a Good Listener?

Do you want to increase your knowledge? Do you want to make friends? Do you want people to appreciate, trust, and respect you? If so you can start by listening.

Are Casinos Good for Communities?

When local, or even provincial or state governments find themselves in need of greater revenue streams to support education, healthcare or other services, but don't want to raise taxes, casinos and lotteries are often promoted as ways to produce a

Zebras and Situation Ethics

The Zebra's stripes are one of the most instantly recognizable patterns in the animal kingdom. There are no gray zebras. Zebras are black and white. What about when it comes to making moral or ethical decisions in our lives?

The Origins of Gender Identity

In May 2017 the Canadian Human Rights Commission amended the Human Rights Act to incorporate 'gender identity and gender expression 'under the list of terms which are protected from discrimination.

The Polar Bear: Threatened or Thriving?

On the front of the Canadian two-dollar coin is the image of an animal, Ursus maritimus, the polar bear, a creature of rare beauty, but what enables this noble creature to survive in one of the harshest climates on earth?