
DNA: Pointing to Intelligence

On April 25, 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick published a paper that would forever alter our understanding of life and give cause to question leading theories on how we came into existence.

The End Game of Political Correctness

On the surface, the idea of political correctness, ensuring that our words are not harmful to those around us, seems good. Yet many are starting to realize that political correctness has gone far beyond limiting legitimate problems.

The End of Normal

In the realm of sex, gender, and sexuality, what is normal now? What is a normal marriage? A normal family? The answers were once commonly understood.

Darwin's Not-So-Simple Cell

Charles Darwin's renowned work, "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection," was published in November of 1859. At the time, little was known about the building blocks of life—cells.

Never Again Masada!

Hamas terrorists invaded the state of Israel, killing civilians, beheading babies and children, raping women, and taking hostages to use as bargaining chips and human shields.

Why Truth Doesn't Matter!

Do you remember when you believed in Santa Claus? Or the Easter bunny? Why did we fall for the lies? It’s because we rely upon the information given to us by others as being true and accurate.

Truth: A Forest Fire Casualty

A June 15, 2023, Fraser Institute article reported that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau sent the following tweet: “We’re seeing more and more of these fires because of climate change.” It is unhelpful to make or report public statemen

An Eggs-quisite Invention

For most of us, life today is easier in many ways than it was for our great-grandparents because of a number of rather simple inventions often taken for granted.

Archaeology Always Proves the Bible

Rich in fantastical stories, the Bible seeks to illustrate the might of the all-powerful God of Israel. The miracles of His guidance and protection towards His people are stories akin to Hollywood movies today.

Is Shoplifting Legal?

Frustration over inflation is a real and increasing problem. No one is happy to arrive at the checkout aisle only to discover that the same basket of groceries they purchased last month for one price now costs 7 percent more.